If you have been following me on twitter (@TribeGames) then you will know why it has been so long since the last update. If you don’t here’s why: Art. I have been updating the poorly made placeholders and coming up with the near final design for the game. It took me awhile but I finally did it. Here is the updated ‘Town’ environment, compare it to the older graphics:

I think they turned out great. I was going for added some weight to the objects in the world and the outlines help with that. Though as for the players I still have placeholders. I just updated the look of the image with the outline and the gradient. I will be working on making the characters soon.

Short post (…but important…) this time, but don’t worry I will get back to work on the gameplay elements. Stay tuned.

Like part of the graphics? Hate the whole thing? Post a comment below.

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