Phew, finally the pre-alpha is out and you can now enjoy preview of what is to come. You can check it out here. Remember to leave feedback and share it with your friends.

But I can’t just sit here idle, I must progress forward.

So I have, I updated the pre-alpha with score, and I have been working on some concept art for the blocks and the grids. Here’s a sample of what I have done:

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I want to make the 3D models soon but I need figure out my video situation first. Right now I am switching over to different screen capture software which will hopefully make it easier for me to produce videos as well as have higher quality videos (1080p?). This will also help me make videos faster. In the future I want to make different types of videos like time-lapses of my concepts or record the process of making one of the songs for the game. So I can give some insight to what exactly I do and how it materializes into something.

That isn’t the only concept art I have been working on, I also have been making some prototypes of the HUD that will be used in the game. Though I am still not too sure on how that will play out yet.

I still want to work on some more concept art for various things like the background to the stage (No, the sky is not going to be in the final game). I also want to finally get a logo created for Stasis.

What do you think about the current plan to focus on art? Do you want to see more concept art? Leave a comment below!

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