I have been working on updating the cluster feature to include fading away. What this does is after a period of time on the field the clusters fade away and scramble the blocks that were in the clusters. This creates a “Risk, Reward” system into the game. The more blocks you clear at once, the more points you earn. But this also means the fast the clusters fade out. It helps keep things interesting and promote a high tension scenario.

Scrambled Progression

So if you want to gain high scores you need to learn to balance the amount of blocks in the clusters. As it stands now it is a lot to deal with at one time. Although it brings depth to the game, it also raises the entry-level to the game. I am thinking about adding a mode or difficulty where if the blocks fade away they are automatically “cashed in” instead of scrambling them. This would lower the complexity of the game and allow the player to focus on learning how to use the time powers better. Though I am not exactly sure if this is necessary for the game, I need to mess with it some more.

Do you think there should be a different difficulty setting? Is it too complex in general? Leave a comment below.

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